Blink’s Summer Beauty + Skin Care Tips That Won’t Break The Bank

You can trust us at Blink to take care of your brows for summer (and all year round!), but what to do about the rest of your warm-weather look on a budget? We’ve checked out what the top Vancouver beauty bloggers recommend for summer beauty and skin care and here’s what we found:
Water! Water!
Adequate hydration goes a long way to healthy skin and a good complexion. Vancouver’s radiant Alexandra of To Vogue or Bust recently wrote about her (healthy!) obsession with staying well hydrated. She shares not only ideas for how to keep sipping H20 throughout your day but also when it’s most important to soak in some hydration – and even ideas for how track your water intake to make sure you meet your hydration goals.
The pretty pic below is c/o the Yon-Ka Paris beauty blog and accompanies a great post featuring even more benefits of drinking water. Have a look! Your skin with thank you.
Rest up, Buttercup.
Tired skin can be dull skin. Beauty blogger Maddy Loves recently wrote about her struggles to catch some Zs after stressful workdays and shares some sleep tips to make sure fatigue doesn’t ruin your healthy complexion.
We also have to remember not to sacrifice healthy skin to the sun (even though it’s tempting to go soak up the Vitamin D when it’s not raining in Vancouver!).
Take Cover.
Be sure to stay vigilant about protecting your skin from damaging UV rays by wearing sunscreen or covering up with pretty wraps or wide-brimmed hats to keep your skin from looking leathery and wrinkled in years to come.
This Prairie Girl in the City post may be a few years old, but the sentiment is the same: while summer weather does call for l-e-s-s in the clothes department, there’s no reason to skimp on pretty accessories – and we still love these “floppy hats” she featured back in 2011. (Note: Don’t follow Prairie Girl Jen? You should. She’s a Vancouver beauty maven and we love her style sensibility!)
Fake it!
Aside from channeling your inner Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge (#KateEffect) with a charming smile from under a beautiful hat, you can also learn from a local makeup and hair professional how to achieve a bronzed look without looking like an orange-hued Trump wannabe or risking skin cancer.
Vancouver’s savvy beauty Katie Elwood recently shared her how-to fake sun-kissed skin, which takes you through what to use and how to use it when you want to look a little more golden.
“Barely-There” Beautiful.
One of the looks for summer 2016 is barely-there, all natural makeup, so we’re in luck if we’re on a budget – no need to buy all kinds of extras. (When you spend your beauty budget wisely you can get the basics to achieve the look you want.) What’s more, quality products usually require less touching-up.
Here’s a great example from Vancouver’s own stylist-now-social media specialist Alicia Fashionista, who shares what she learns about products and techniques: Alicia (shown below in a pic from her post – isn’t she gorgeous?) achieves a minimal makeup look that is ideal for busy summer days by focusing on two fave products: Face Sculpt & Highlight and a quality lipstick.
If you’re not sure what to include in your makeup bag this summer, hop over to read what beauty expert Cee of Coco and Vera has in hers (pic shared below). Even with a simple look for summer, Cee says she focuses on her eyes first and says, “The cornerstone of all of my looks is my eyebrows.”
Remember that our eyebrow threading specialists can help you maintain your brows with minimal fuss. Here’s why you should consider tinting your eyelashes and eyebrows this summer (and spend more time making memories!):
Even after a day spent splashing at the beach, when your lovely “barely there” Summer make-up has long-since washed off, your brows will be bold and your eyelashes sultry – your most beautiful, naturally bare face! And so easy for transitioning from a day at the lake to a night on a bustling patio!
But having the right make-up is only part of the equation.
How do you apply the latest looks without a personal stylist?
We turned to hockey wife Melrae Segal, who writes about beauty in between spending fall and winter in Europe and spring and summer in Vancouver: This creative mama blogs all about make-up and more over at Lashes Love & Leather, and shares great tutorials for makeup application Melrae shares on her YouTube channel. Here’s stunning Melrae below in an photo from her blog sporting a fun, perfect-for-summer “Lime Liner” eye:
Want to captivate someone with a sultry glance at the next summer party? Her 5-Minute Easy Smoky Eyetutorial makes the grade for our summer beauty list.
We suspect you, our fab #BlinkBeauties, have some summer make-up and skincare tips of your own, and we’d love to hear them! Do share. We’re on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram right now.
And start with a perfect “canvas”, read: great eyebrows. Stop in and see us at the studio today. Our expert eyebrow threading specialists will help you to create an eyebrow so bold and beautiful that you’ll be your most stunning self even after the waves wash your make-up off.
Our practically painless technique achieves exacting results. Call Blink Brow Bar to make an appointmenttoday. (Our Vancouver shop is open daily at 577 Bute Street.)